About Bryn Kaufman

Principal Broker and Creator of OahuRE.com

Class Action Lawsuit Against Realtors is Granted

Realtors nationwide are going crazy because last Friday a federal judge granted class-action status in a lawsuit seeking to recover $1 Billion from Realtors.

Realtors are saying they already spent that money and making a buyer pay their Realtor will hurt consumers.

In summary, the idea of a buyer being able to pay less than the standard 2.5% to 3% commission is freaking them out.

New Oahu Record Median Sales Prices

The first quarter of 2022 closed with new record median sales prices for both single-family homes and condos at $1,150,000 and $515,500, respectively.

In March, single-family home sales fell 11.1% year-over-year, while the condo market sales volume remained strong with a 7.3% rise compared to March last year.

“More luxury sales coupled with declining affordable inventory and sales are pulling the median price upwards in the single-family home market,” said Chad Takesue, president of the Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. “It’s no surprise that rising prices are pushing more prospective buyers to consider condos, driving the steady and strong demand we’ve been seeing for these properties.”

Please see https://www.oahure.com/OahuRealEstateStatsIntro.php to view all the statistics.

$1 Realtor Commission

We just put a home in escrow today that was only offering $1 in Realtor’s commission.

It got a lot of Realtors upset as you can imagine, but I explained to them they can put a commission amount on their offer, so they can make more than $1.

The winning offer did just that. The normal commission would have been over $60,000.
The buyer’s agent in this case is not getting that amount, but they are getting a very nice commission.

It is not something I can recommend at this time because of some of the feedback I got from other Realtors, but in this case, the home still went into escrow with a very strong offer.

The Buyer’s Agent Commission Now Shows On OahuRE.com

OahuRE.com is now one of the first sites on Oahu to show the buyer’s agent commission for all listings as we just got permission today to do so. Unfortunately, it is non-negotiable still, but at least buyers can see how much their agent is getting paid.

The buyer’s agent commission is paid for by the seller, but the price of the property is raised so the seller can pay the buyer’s agent. It is a cost to the buyer because they pay a higher price for the property to cover their agent’s commission.

For the property in the image, the buyer’s agent commission is $134,700.

OahuRE.com rebates 20% of our commission back to the buyer to help them cover their closing costs.

Leasehold Properties Only in Hawaii

Great article on Leasehold. This paragraph stood out.

“The drumbeat for lease-to-fee conversion culminated in a 1984 U.S. Supreme Court decision that held the state could use eminent domain to force landowners to offer fee simple land ownership to leasehold tenants. Over the next 20 years, many single-family homeowners were able to purchase the land beneath their houses.”

I wonder why this ruling was for Single Family only. Now we never almost never see a Single Family Leasehold but still plenty of condos.

Read the article from Hawaii Business Magazine

Questions about commission!

I read these thought-provoking statements in Inman news, the leading news source for Realtors. It is good to see Realtors themselves asking these hard questions.

“Why are typical commissions in Australia, Denmark and Finland 2 percent, and 1.5 percent in the U.K., yet 5.5 percent in the U.S.?”

“How do you explain, to a consumer, why it costs them three times as much to sell a $900,000 home versus a $300,000 home? How do you justify that $54,000 bill for selling said $900,000 home?”